Season of Creation Outdoor Rosary Walk at Mission Grounds on Sept. 2

The Season of Creation, the ecumenical celebration held each year from Sept. 1st, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to Oct. 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, has as its theme for 2023, “Let Justice and Peace Flow.” The prophet Amos cries out, “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24), and so we are called to join the river of justice and peace, to embrace climate and ecological justice.

As part of Season of Creation 2023, Laudato Si’ St. Augustine, the Cathedral Basilica’s Creation Care Ministry, will hold a Rosary Walk for the Earth on Sat., Sept. 2, at 9:30 a.m. on the grounds of the Mission of Nombre de Dios, 101 San Marco Drive, St. Augustine. All are invited to join, to let our prayers be inspired by closeness to nature, to reflect on our lifestyles, and to take actions that bring peace, justice and abundantly flowing life to the planet.

September 2nd is a special day in the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine. On Sept. 2, 1866 the first eight Sisters of St. Joseph from Le Puy, France, arrived on the shores of the St. Johns River at Picolata Landing and took a stage coach to St. Augustine. They had traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to New York City, and then traveled by steamers down the East Coast all the way to Northeast Florida during Post-Civil War time in our country, having been invited to come teach and evangelize the freed slaves by Bishop Augustin Verot. One hundred and fifty seven years later the Sisters of St. Joseph are still in Florida, serving the needs of the Dear Neighbor.

In 2021 the Sisters of St. Joseph made a seven-year commitment to the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a worldwide network, to work toward seven goals: Response to the Cry of the Earth, Response to the Cry of the Poor, Ecological Economics, Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles, Ecological Education, Ecological Spirituality, and Community Resilience and Empowerment. The Congregation hosted an educational program on Laudato Si’ sponsored by the Laudato Si’ St. Augustine ministry on April 15th this year that featured Msgr. Vincent Haut at the St. Joseph Renewal Center attended by almost 30 persons.

The Seven Goals of the Laudato Si Action Platform of the Vatican

The mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph is clear: “Seized by God’s love, we work in collaboration with others to bring union and reconciliation to our world “that all may be one.” (John 17:21) In working for care for God’s creation, we are showing love and concern not just for the Dear Neighbors living today, but for future generations, and for all of God’s creatures.


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